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Bouhafs, Radia, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Jordan
Bouikhalne, Belaid
Bousselsal, M., Laboratoire d'Analyse Nonlineaire, Department of Mathematics
Bousselsal, M., Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Qassim University (Saudi Arabia)
Bousselsal, M., Laboratoire d'Analyse Non Lineaire et Histoire des Maths, E.N.S (Algeria)
Bousselsal, M., Department of Mathematics, E.N.S
Bousselsal, Mahmoud, Laboratoire d’Analyse Non Lineaire et H.M
Bousselsal, Mahmoud, Lab. E.D.P.N.L. and Hist. of Maths
Bousselsal, Mahmoud, Laboratoire des Equations aux D ́eriv ́ees Partielles et H.M, Department of Mathematics
Bouzelmate, Arij, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences Abdelmalek Essaadi University
Bouzelmate, Arij, LaR2A Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University
Breaz, Daniel
Breaz, Nicoleta
Brnetic, I
Bugajewska, Daria
Bulut, Serap
Buong, Nguyen, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology Institute of Information Technology
Buong, Nguyen
Buong, Nguyen Tuan, Institute of Information Technology VAST
Bypour, Khadije, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences Golestan University
Byszewski, L., Institute of Mathematics Cracow University of Technology,ul
Byszewski, Ludwik, Cracow University of Technology
Byun, Jisoo, Department of Mathematics Education, Kyungnam University,


Cadariu, L.
Cai, Tao, Department of Mathematics, Kunming University

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ISSN: 1229-1595 (Print), 2466-0973 (Online)

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